Conflict & Security | Asia
Pacific Men: how the feminist gap explains hostility
Professor Erik Melander
Uppsala University
Governance & Democracy | Europe
Who is entitled to feel in the age of populism? Women’s resistance to migrant detention in Britain
Ali Bilgic
Loughborough University
Law & Justice | Latin America
Bringing the Border to Baby: Birth Registration as Bordering Practice for Migrant Women’s Children
Allison Petrozziello
Wilfrid Laurier University
Crime & Corruption | Oceania
The Challenges of Political Corruption in Australia, the Proposed Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill (2020) and the Application of the APUNCAC
Marie dela Rama
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Media Freedom | Sub-Saharan Africa
Frames and Marginalisation of Counter-hegemonic Voices: Media Representation of the Land Debate in South Africa
Professor Mandla J. Radebe
University of Johannesburg
Human Rights | Sub-Saharan Africa
The study of public participation in Cato Minor during and between elections, 2018-2019
Hleliwe Khumalo
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Crime & Corruption | Oceania
Anti-corruption commissions: lessons from the Asia-Pacific region for a proposed Australian federal anti-corruption watchdog
Marie dela Rama
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Gender & Sexuality | Sub-Saharan Africa
“I see myself really as a public health activist”: A critical analysis of young people’s voices in the National Health Insurance policy submissions
Naledi Mpanza
University of Pretoria
Economic Development
Business (not) for peace: Incentives and disincentives for corporate engagement on good governance and peaceful development in the African context
Professor Brian Ganson
Stellenbosch University
Conflict & Security | Asia
“Business for Peace” (B4P): can this new global governance paradigm of the United Nations Global Compact bring some peace and stability to the Korean peninsula?
Has practical steps
Professor Oliver Williams
University of Notre Dame
Governance & Democracy | Asia
Human security’s future in regional cooperation and governance?
Best for: Development professionals
Has practical steps
Dr Melissa Curley
University of Queensland
Crime & Corruption | Asia