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Food Security & Agriculture | Sub-Saharan Africa

The Complicated Gendering of Farming and Household Food Responsibilities in Northern Ghana

Best for: Development professionals


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Dr Siera Vercillo
University of Waterloo
Environmental Sustainability | Sub-Saharan Africa

The role of indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation: experiences with farmer perceptions from climate change project in Sedumbwe Agricultural Camp of Southern Zambia

Best for: Development professionals


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Kafula Chisanga
Zambia Agriculture Research Institute
Environmental Sustainability | Sub-Saharan Africa

Social vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Zambia: the applicability of social vulnerability index

Best for: Policymakers


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Environmental Sustainability | Asia

On the realities of gender inclusion in climate change policies in Nepal

Best for: Policymakers


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Anu Rai
Kathmandu University
Environmental Sustainability | Sub-Saharan Africa

How is gender investigated in African climate change research: a systematic review of the literature


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Dr Siera Vercillo
University of Waterloo
Environmental Sustainability | Asia

Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Inequality: Insights from Rural Vietnam

Best for: Development professionals


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Dr Josephine Ylipaa
CECAD Research Center
Environmental Sustainability

Fisheries decline, local livelihoods and conflicted governance: An Indonesian case

Best for: Policymakers


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    Dr Carol Warren
    Murdoch University

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