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Gender & Sexuality | MENA

Logics of Protection and the Discursive Construction of Refugee Fathers

Best for: Policymakers


Has practical steps
Dr Lucy Hall
University of Amsterdam
Gender & Sexuality | Sub-Saharan Africa

Continuity and Change: Performing Gender in Rural Tanzania


Has practical steps
Dr Lone Badstue
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
Gender & Sexuality | North America

Sexuality as a Standard of Civilization: Historicizing (Homo)Colonial Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class

Best for: Policymakers


Has practical steps
Dr Andrew Delatolla
University of Leeds
Health & Social Welfare | Oceania

Counting Ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand

Best for: Policymakers


Has practical steps
Dr Jaimie Veale
University of Waikato
Gender & Sexuality | Asia

Silence and Silencing of Women: The Case of Trafficked Women

Best for: Policymakers


Has practical steps
Dr Haezreena Abdul Hamid
University of Malaya
Conflict & Security | Asia

Pacific Men: how the feminist gap explains hostility


Has practical steps
Professor Erik Melander
Uppsala University
Gender & Sexuality | Asia

Sex Workers, Stigma and Self-Image: Evidence from Kolkata Brothels

Best for: Policymakers


Has practical steps
Dr Sanchari Roy
King’s College London
Gender & Sexuality | Europe

Towards the “Undoing” of Gender in Mixed-Sex Martial Arts and Combat Sports

Best for: Development professionals


Has practical steps
Dr Alex Channon
University of Brighton
Food Security & Agriculture | Sub-Saharan Africa

The Complicated Gendering of Farming and Household Food Responsibilities in Northern Ghana

Best for: Development professionals


Has practical steps
Dr Siera Vercillo
University of Waterloo
Economic Development

How the Private sector can Address the Issue of Gender-based Violence

Best for: Leaders


    Has practical steps
    Professor Corné Davis
    University of Johannesburg
    Gender & Sexuality | Asia

    Gender and Rural Non-Farm Entrepreneurship

    Best for: Policymakers


    Has practical steps
    Bob Rijkers
    The World Bank
    Gender & Sexuality

    Gender and food security in Honduras

    Best for: Policymakers


      Has practical steps
      Gender & Sexuality | Latin America

      Female-Headed Households and Homeownership in Latin America

      Best for: Policymakers


      Has practical steps
      Professor Nestor Gandelman
      Universidad ORT Uruguay

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