Gender & Sexuality | MENA
Logics of Protection and the Discursive Construction of Refugee Fathers
Dr Lucy Hall
University of Amsterdam
Gender & Sexuality | Sub-Saharan Africa
Continuity and Change: Performing Gender in Rural Tanzania
Dr Lone Badstue
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
Gender & Sexuality | MENA
Cultural Oppression Disguised as Religious Obligation: A Fatal Misrepresentation to the Advancement of Muslim Women’s Rights in the Context of the So-Called Honour Killings
Dr Fatemah AlBader
Kuwait University
Gender & Sexuality | North America
Sexuality as a Standard of Civilization: Historicizing (Homo)Colonial Intersections of Race, Gender, and Class
Dr Andrew Delatolla
University of Leeds
Health & Social Welfare | Oceania
Counting Ourselves: The health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand
Dr Jaimie Veale
University of Waikato
Gender & Sexuality | Asia
Silence and Silencing of Women: The Case of Trafficked Women
Dr Haezreena Abdul Hamid
University of Malaya
Conflict & Security | Asia
Pacific Men: how the feminist gap explains hostility
Professor Erik Melander
Uppsala University
Gender & Sexuality | Asia
Sex Workers, Stigma and Self-Image: Evidence from Kolkata Brothels
Dr Sanchari Roy
King’s College London
Gender & Sexuality | Europe
Towards the “Undoing” of Gender in Mixed-Sex Martial Arts and Combat Sports
Dr Alex Channon
University of Brighton
| Europe
“This class is not for you”: An investigation of gendered subject construction in entrepreneurship course descriptions
Dr Sally Jones
Manchester Metropolitan University
Food Security & Agriculture | Sub-Saharan Africa
The Complicated Gendering of Farming and Household Food Responsibilities in Northern Ghana
Dr Siera Vercillo
University of Waterloo
Economic Development
How the Private sector can Address the Issue of Gender-based Violence
Professor Corné Davis
University of Johannesburg
Gender & Sexuality | Latin America